Three Girls, a Guy and a Guinea Pig (and Other Various Creatures)


Bring out your dead

Dealing with your kids when you're sick and have nobody else to help is hell. My damn husband passed his sick off onto me and I've been battling two tiny demons with a headache, sore throat, nasty cough and queasiness. Well, maybe one not-so-tiny demon. Heather hasn't been too hard lately, besides her usual bellows of "feed me Seymour!", but her big sis is getting nastier each day. Fuck the "terrible twos".

So here I sit, just having put the kids to bed (AGAIN), sniffling, head cloudy and surrounded by the aftermath of today's daily war- toys and crumbs spread out like bodies and shrapnel on a quieted battlefield. I'm the unlucky soul responsible for carting it all away, when all I really want to do is sit on my ass, play on my phone and continue to waste time talking nonsense to my man.

My brother's antics have gotten progressively worse lately and with puberty kicking in, he reminds me of a mentally incompetent Hulk (minus the abs). He's been home all day, apparently suspended from school for making threats to damage school/teacher property. I've been trying to keep my girls separate from him so they don't pick up any of his behavior, which Amara has already shown (besides the usual toddler crap). It's not just them picking up his habits I worry about though, but the weird boy "changes" along with his mental disability. To be blunt- I don't want my little girls molested.

When somebody says things about their "wiener", starts rubbing themselves against things and openly states "I'm horny" in front of children, there's a problem. When somebody asks a child if they want to touch him, jokingly or not, there's a problem. Mentally retarded or not, I'm disgusted by this and don't trust my kids around him without me or another adult present, if not around him at all. I'm also a bit angry toward dad for allowing the behavior to go on with the excuse "he can't help it", while overriding mom's attempts at parenting.

The outbursts of rage, weird sexual crap and nobody able to reform him is just causing way too much stress for everybody, self and husband included. I'm sick and tired and can't wait until we have the money saved up to move out of here.

10:54 pm - September 20th, 2013

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