Three Girls, a Guy and a Guinea Pig (and Other Various Creatures)


cue the dramatic music

I should probably be nervous now, but I'm actually not. I guess that's my nature- dick around until the last minute, then stress out as reality fades in to view. The first day of GED testing is tomorrow and my worst subject is first on the list- math. I suppose I should be glad to get it out of the way. Math is my worst fear. I know I can pass the English portion (most likely spiraling downhill on the essay), and social studies and science are okay if you take time to read the text, but math...I hate all those formulas and calculations- square roots, fractions, ratio, angles, area, volume, the list goes on. Of course, I don't expect all of this to be on the test, but it's the element of surprise that's most fearful. What's lurking around the corner? Guess I'll wait and find out.

My dad was approached by one of my old friends, Brooke, at Rite Aid last week. He says she's got a boyfriend and invited me to her graduation. I'm a bit stunned, actually. I sorta feel like a bitch for thinking it, but I'm surprised that Brooke is graduating, she just always seemed the type to give up, much like the people she used to hang around with. Now I really feel like a loser, right after I had gotten over it too. At this point, I'm unsure whether I want to go or not, mainly because of a conundrum. Either I go to Brooke's graduation, Amy's or just say "fuck it all" and stay home that day. As of now, I'm leaning more toward the latter. As if Karen's last year didn't make me feel bad enough already, now I might have to see those jerks from Heroin High again? I think I'll pass, thanks.

5:41 pm - May 08th, 2008

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