Three Girls, a Guy and a Guinea Pig (and Other Various Creatures)


Day 2 of grade 10 is a lil' better than yesterday. I found out that mr. price is acually a MRS. price. ^^; she's pretty nice. let's us doodle in class. I do that alot whenever I get bored. I'll just start drawling away. I'm kinda glad I failed science now. There's a teacher's aid who's kinda cute. *mind goes in gutter*, anyway,most of the teachers are nice.
I have to go to guidance tomorrow morning to get two of my classes changed. P.E. and tech. PE doesn't start until second quarter, but I don't want to take it until next year. Tech is my last period on week A. It's in the basement and my locker is upstairs, so I have to run just to catch the bus on time.

OH!!! *smirk* guess who left? cassilly. Along with the others. I think they might've been relocated to a different school. I sorta kinda miss him. There's no one to pick on now. ;_; karen said he had a \"fan club.\" A bunch of female teachers with high school crushes. Bwahaha! Eh...he was okay looking. Not a hottie or anything, but not completely ugly.

I have foods class next. I liked the first version, so I'm taking the second. We're going to be making food from different countries now. That's fine with me. I like other cultures and I love food. ^^

I want to go home and play sims. I finished killing a bunch. Now, one family just sits around and mourns all day in the mini-graveyard. The hot tub is the only thing that'll cheer 'em up. I had to do it. The house was over-crowded. When one tried to get to the bedroom, they'd fall asleep in the middle of the hall and block the other sims way. ^^; man, Sims are dumb. How come they can't drink? They can eat. What about water? crap. gotta go. bell again.

10:58 am - August 31st, 2004

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