Three Girls, a Guy and a Guinea Pig (and Other Various Creatures)


All the blood is rushing to my head

So I've discovered some things about myself through porn. It probably sounds pretty crazy (especially as an opening statement), but it's true. I've always labeled myself as a femme who loves butch women, but sadly it's hard to find some good butch porno for us butch-lovers. A little digging gave me a few dead-end results, but one did come up with a few pictures, though only two models.

So with anticipation, I clicked on this link and got my first taste (sexual puns aside) of butt-naked boi ass. My first reaction was shock. Shock at seeing a masculine head on a female body, then shock at my own shock, followed by a bit of guilt. That little voice popped up in my head to nag at me how dare you think that way! You're SUPPOSE to be the butch-lover! Right?

Yes, after sticking around a while and recovering from the shock, I am still a very open boi loving girl. The more I sifted through some photos, the more I became attracted to one of the models and the more...ah...tingly I got.

But the more I look at these, the more I want my own girlfriend to get naked. Playing by yourself gets so lonely after a while.

So if you're wondering what else I learned, it's that I'm apparently okay with pit hair, but I really do prefer the downstairs to be groomed. Seriously.

3:27 am - August 15th, 2009

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