Three Girls, a Guy and a Guinea Pig (and Other Various Creatures)


Test Results

After much agonizing wait, my GED test results came in the mail yesterday:

Writing skills: Social studies: Science: Literature: Mathmatics: Total:
580 (79%) 490 (46%) 530 (62%) 630 (90%) 390 (14%) 2620

I failed math, or course, but passed the other sections of the exam. Luckily, my overall score was high enough that I only have to re-take the math portion and not the entire test. There's a two month waiting period before I can re-test, and I'm not really sure what I should do to kill time. I'm not so happy about my 79%, I could've done so much better, but I got fucking sports as a topic and had to rattle my damn brain fabricating some story that would hopefully sound convincing and make for a good tale. I only hope that whoever had to read it wasn't a basketball fan, otherwise they would've noticed that I really had no goddamn clue what I was rambling on about.

I've been scouring the job sites for something I may be suited for, but can't seem to find anything local. Nobody ever brings the damn paper in anymore, just tosses it nonchalantly in a giant pile of old papers stacked on the table in the patio. I really don't feel like sifting through all that crap to find the current paper, so that's pretty much out. What to do next...

1:23 am - June 30th, 2008

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