Three Girls, a Guy and a Guinea Pig (and Other Various Creatures)


Bisexual ring nearing 20 members!

How long has it been since I updated again? Wow...too long. So, I'd like to announce that the bisexual diaryring is nearing it's twenty member mark. I feel so proud. Only two more members to go (I don't count as a member since I created it). I'd really love to see this ring hit the one-hundred member mark one day.

So now I finally have enough money to pay for the GED test. I made sure to stuff it in my wallet to prevent from losing it (because I do that a lot). I'm feeling very proud of myself for making my first money earned, which wasn't an easy task. Delivering flowers sounded easy enough, but of course we just had to have that snowstorm the night before.

So I was stuck carrying heavy glass vases through the snow to people's doorsteps from nine AM to three PM. I managed to get a few tips from some sympathetic customers (four bucks from a girl about my age, another four from a middle-aged woman and one dollar from an old lady). I did well at the beginning, but as I started to tire, I began screwing somethings up. Luckily, the woman driving the van didn't see me drop that vase of flowers in the snow. I had to balance that, a clipboard and a giant balloon while opening a big wooden gate. Anyone could've done it. Altogether I made forty-nine bucks, so I'm happy.

I've been remembering how much I love Gravitation. Shuichi and Yuki's relationship reminds me of Amy and myself (I'm Shuichi...except less crazy).

9:24 pm - February 27th, 2007

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