Three Girls, a Guy and a Guinea Pig (and Other Various Creatures)


Rest in peace, Leon

I'm gonna end up falling asleep right after I write this, I know it. I'm so tired, although I did very little walking. Since I think I'm too old for trick-or-treating anymore, I decided to only go around the block begging for candy instead. Like last year, I managed to put together a makeshift costume done within the last few hours of good trick-or-treating time left. It's funny how the thoughts I have in my head about most things never turn out the way I want.

In my mind, my costume as the chainsaw weilding maniac in Resident Evil 4 was demonic and awesome...then in real life, it's more like a kitten trying to be a bobcat (if you even know what I mean). I highly doubt anyone would be afraid of a person wearing a pillowcase and weilding a plastic chainsaw with "Home Depot" printed on the side. I'm sure that pumpkin candy bucket was real creepy too. Oh well...gotta make due with what I got, I guess. At least I've got the teeth rotting goodness.

My love for candy has faded over the years and I no longer have any real desire to fill my bucket to the top as I did as a child. Does that make me old? I feel old now. Perhaps it's the giant cavity in my molar talking.

Halloween sure didn't get off to a good start. At three in the morning Amy called me and I was about to ignore the phone and say the hell with it (three AM is when I call it quits), but now, I'm glad that I actually picked up. It seems her bird had a little accident...she walked away for one second, came back and he was lying dead in his cage. This is a most unusual, shocking death, seeing as how he was still just a baby bird. So she called me in tears, and the first thing I hear when I pick up is "Leon is dead!" My brain didn't seem to understand this sentance at first, until I heard it again.

The tone in her voice actually frightened me a bit. It was as though she had killed him herself. I feel horrible because I did not know what to say. I wanted something else. I wanted to actually be there. I wanted to put my arms around her and whisper in her ear it's alright. But I couldn't. I'm not sure wether it was that thought alone or the fact that Leon had passed on that made me cry. Her words are still fresh in my head. "Everything I care about either dies or goes away -- promise you won't leave." So, I promised, and here I am. Bound in a circle that will probably never end until one of us dies. Know what? I don't seem to mind it.

Leon, no matter what I've said or thought, I've always liked you. Even when you chirped loudly in the morning and woke me, and even when you crapped on my shoe when we first met. Tabbi loves you. Fly on into the afterlife. :3

3:04 am - November 01st, 2006

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