Three Girls, a Guy and a Guinea Pig (and Other Various Creatures)


GED time rears it's head

Revamped the journal today. I hated the old layout, but maybe that's just because I made it. Liz keeps meowing at me because she wants attention. Suprising how she wants lovin' even after she scratches and swats me. Yeah. She knows who feeds her. There's no one to bug online at this time, so why not add an entry, eh?

This actually isn't new news, but I've been feeling very accomplished. I've witnessed some things you only see on tv (unless you live in a coulourful community). These things include: a midget lady, Mexican guy wearing a landscaping shirt, and a drug trade. I know, those first two things sound kinda cruel, but when you see a midget in real life for the first time it's like! And the Mexican guy, stereotyping! Whee! If you wanna be angry, say I wear a pink boa and a nipple ring and call me flaming.

Parents are trying to make me go to this farm festival thing tomorrow. They said it's fun for the kids. Exactly. Fun for the kids. For us, instead of "wow! Animals!," It's more like "Ew. Dirty animals and bugs..." That old bag Anette somebody gave them the tickets. I think she's attempting to force some "family-time" in here. It'd probably be impossible for me to do anything I like with my family. All my activites would include something illegal or just plain stupid.

It's nearing that time. GED time. I'm starting to wonder if I'll be the only teen there or not. Guess I can't ponder on it too long. Things never turn out how I imagine them to be. I'm pretty sure that I can pass the English portion, and maybe science. I took notes on all this stuff from when I took the practice test online. Now if I could only find that book. Curse my notebook collecting ways! Karen says you have to register for it. The test will most likely be held at the community college, I'm fairly sure anyway. Need to look that up. If I can pull this off, I'm going to be dubbed "the only female on my mom's side of the family who has a decent education." It's harsh, but true. As far as I know, everyone only has a high school level education, mostly drop outs. I'm so sick of everyone calling me dumb. I'm not dumb, god dammit!

I just smashed a moth and now there's a brown spot on the monitor. Lovely. Aside from that, I've been kinda angry/depressed lately, not that it's anything new. I used to draw well, or at least I thought so. I've just got no real desire to do anything anymore. It just feels...useless. I'll never catch up to her skill. Everything just seems to easy for queen Amy to draw. Truthfully, it really pisses me off. I don't have the equipment here to work with, which isn't that big of a help either. I'm using one of those giant block computers with tiny drives (the biggest one is 2.99 GBs), the scanner won't connect, and all my image programs are so out of date that the websites aren't even up anymore. Looks like I'm not gonna find any imaging help there.

I sent her an email the other day, bearing my soul and confessing my thoughts. I should'nt have been so stupid as to expect a comforting answer. The only thing I get back was a dumb comment on my signature. "Who the fuck is MissFickles?" Jackass. This is exactly why I never tell her anything.

1:45 am - June 04th, 2006

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