Three Girls, a Guy and a Guinea Pig (and Other Various Creatures)


Maybe I went too far...NAH!

It's finally cool in this house. I know, I bitch about this every year, and I am going to continue to bitch about it until we get an air conditioner. It's too damn hot!

Aside from that, I went to Julie's party with Karen the other day. It was actually a lot of fun. Most people who were invited were from anime club, of course Karen had to remind me of their names because I'm not so good at that sort of thing. I talked to some of them and one girl said that me and Karen were the best conversation at the party, so I guess I must not be THAT bad at talking. It must've been that "threesome with beastiality" thing (don't ask). XD

I had Amy over for the weekend and was interesting to say the least. We had the cops called on us yet again for allegedly calling 911. That's what the cop said anyway. It was really my uncle who did it. He thought I was on drugs because someone called him up and claimed it was me when I know it was not. There are two things wrong with that stroy. One: I'm not stupid enough to say my name during a prank call, two: I would rather choke on my own blood than say "I love you" to my uncle (he's a dick).

Dad snapped at me for cracking a joke about their "supierior tracking technology." By that, I mean they picked up our phone, pushed the back button on the ID and redialed my uncle. Wow. Real fancy technology there, chief. The reason he got my uncle's number? He called and left a message on the machine. Any idiot can figure that out. ID picks up the last person who called you not the other way around. So chew on that! Traced the call, my arse.

Now might be a good time to mention my disclaimer. I really need to put a link up for that.

I've been pissing my cat off with bubbles all day. I blew some in her face and she hissed. First time I've ever heard her do that. It sounded more like she was copying what I do when Dan gets too close. I've been trying to teach her to swat and hiss at him when he's around. It hasn't worked yet.

I almost forgot to mention this. I log on to AOL today and this is the first thing I see on the welcome screen:

Some lady was praying in a storm on a linoleum floor. Hmm...I wonder why she got striked. Her husband stated that he "always thought if you're in a house that you're safe." No. Appearently not if your house is almost the equivalent in height as a tree, and everyone knows not to stand under one of those things during a storm. There is actually a poll on the site that asks if you think this is a "divine intervention." Nope. Just her god's way of saying "Hey! Get off the linoleum! You're gonna get struck!" Now sitting up in Christian heaven laughing to himself "Now we're not gonna do that again, are we?"

Dad's been really pissing me off lately. I think he expects me to be the "perfect" child. Well, excuse me for not being your drone. I have a mind of my own now. I'm not that little girl anymore. I can form my own opionions about things. Unlike him. He, on the other hand, cannot stand up to his little brother and belives every single thing every other person says. At least I'm not an ass kisser.

There was an interesting study on the news. I'm pretty sure it was ABC2, but I cannot find the article on the site. It was about some retarded guy who was in love with his teacher or something like that and she rejected him, now he's heartbroken and blah blah blah. I'm not being mean or anything, it's just, they've really gotta stop putting retarded people on the news. Everyone's always bitching about how they should be treated like "normal" people...So stop exploiting them! He lost a love, who cares? Happens all the time. Then they throw in this study thing called "can mentally retarded people love?" They might as well come out and say it. They know they wanna say "are mentally retarded people really people?" That's the message that line gave me anyway. Hey, I live with a retarded kid. I've got no sympathy, okay?

The news always makes everything seem worse then it really is. Remember 9/11? I just know I'm gonna get shouted at for this one, but chances are, if you didn't know anyone in that building, you didn't really care. The "war on terrorism," just doesn't seem like much of a war. Truthfully, I think this whole thing has exploded out of control. Kids see these things on the news and are impression ed by it. Now they think "Oh. All people who look like Iraqis must be terrorists!" I know this because I knew a boy who looked Indian in fifth grade, and after this whole 9/11 thing, some idiot in our class calls him an Iraqi and then this big fight starts and he ends up getting stabbed in the head with a pencil.

No one wants to admit it aloud, but behind our closed doors, we know how sad America is. People are getting stupider, fatter and lazier. Obesity and "erectile disfunction" are now considered diseases, the economy is swiftly going down the crapper and yet we're so afraid to except change. Guess what? It's already here! In this world today, there is no such thing as "sin" anymore.

PS: Stop having unprotected sex! That's one more baby the adoption agency wont let the gays have.

Had to say it. Just had to.

1:46 am - May 31th, 2006

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