Three Girls, a Guy and a Guinea Pig (and Other Various Creatures)


Ease up on the racism

Last night I was in one of those moods where I was too tired to sleep, if that makes any sense at all. So I turned on the tv and starting flipping through channels and came across the news. There was a story on about a woman who'd been getting death threats because of a Halloween decoration in her front lawn of a man hanging from a noose. Apparently, some people found it offensive because the "corpse's" skin looked slightly dark- in other words, he looked like a black man.

I find this entire situation laughable, personally. It should've been handled in a mature way, considering the ones complaining were all adults, but apparently nobody uses their common sense when the adrenaline rage kicks in. If anyone had the right to be angry, I think it's the woman who put up the decoration. I'd be pissed too if someone said to me "I'm gonna burn down your house, you racist!"

Instead of getting the news involved and putting up all this bullshit, someone could've just come up and said "Hey, I find that offensive. Could you take it down?" And the reverend, of all people was the one making jokes about "tying it to the stake and burning it." In this meltingpot called America everyone's walking on eggshells. Be careful what you say or do or what you wear, because everything can offend anyone at any given time. Maybe we just need to learn to loosen the fuck up a bit.

And I wish people would stop playing the race card. Take a look around you, racism hardly exists anymore. That or we're just being polite about it in a subtle way. Assuming that every white person has a racial quarrel with every black person, if anything, that is racism.

2:30 am - October 29th, 2007

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